This past weekend, several of us attended the annual Distrct 19A Spring Conference to celebrate and reflect on the district's successes during the past year. It was an awesome fun-filled packed day. The day started with a memorial and voting for the new incoming district governor. The day was highlighted with an impactful speech by the keynote speaker Rick Hansen - a Canadian Paralympian activist and philanthropist for people with disabilities. He shared his inspirational life story with us and it was wonderful to hear about his work and how many people's life is has touched. Congratulations to our very own Alan Chan for winning the district governor appreciation award! Our club also won the club business card contest award.
A big thank you to the Conference Co-Chairpersons and the organizing committee for a fantastic program. And congratulations to DG Eric Keller on a successful Lions year! We look forward to another successful year serving with fellow lions in our district with Simon Yau at the helm!